This bulk bag equipment unloads big bags containing drilling mud and additives and dispenses them into an industrial mixer. The equipment is located on an offshore drilling rig.
The bulk bags take the place of traditional 50 pound bags, which required excessive manpower and time to open and feed into the educator system. They also allow for quicker unloading time and are reusable. After use, they are returned to shore for cleaning and refilling.
The bulk bag unloader is designed to support up to 7,500 pound bulk bags. Compressed air is used for all of the controls, as well as for the bag hoist and trolley. This eliminates any electrical devices on the entire system.
The unloader frame is designed in two sections for easy assembly and disassembly on the rig floor. It can easily be moved to another rig, platform, or land-based site. The equipment can also be configured for the bulk bags to pass thorough the unloader frame. This allows for hoisting of the bags up from the supply boat and into a storage area, which is located behind the system.
Discharge of the bulk bag can be into an educator re-circulation system. It can also be discharged directly into the industrial mixer located below. This system is designed to meet all engineering standards for off shore oil drilling safety requirements.
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