Foundries have extensive dust collection systems throughout their plants. Most of the collected dust is disposed of at a landfill. Prior to leaving the foundry, the dust is sometimes required to be conditioned to a dustless mixture before a landfill will accept it. This can be accomplished using an industrial mixer such as a large paddle mixer, Turbin mixer, or planetary style mixer.
Dustmaster Envrio System’s dust conditioning systems consist of a supply hopper, where dust is collected from around the foundry, a mixer, and controller batching system.
A typical process starts once the storage bin has reached its high-level indicator. The control system will open the rolling blade gate to load foundry dust into the mixer. The mixer is mounted on load cells to accept a preset weight of the dry foundry dust. Once the mixer is loaded with a “batch weight” of dust, a controlled volume of water will be added into the mixer. The mixer then runs for a programed amount of time, producing a dustless mixture. This process will guarantee a dustless product will discharge out of the mixer every time.
Mixing systems can be designed to process large volumes of foundry dust in a short amount of time. Control systems make this process automated and do not require constant attention by operations personnel.
Cast Ni-Hard Paddles, abrasion resistant walls, and end liners ensure long lifespan with the highly abrasive dust.
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