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Fine Screening and Dewatering during High Volume Mineral Processing

fine screening and dewatering for mineral processing

Multiple 5 Deck Derrick® Stack Sizer® Installations

The patented, high-volume Derrick® Stack Sizer® provides a much better economic alternative to Hydrocyclone separators, hydraulic classifiers, and less efficient low volume fine screening systems.

Over 300 of the Stack Sizer units have been sold throughout the world for fine screening and dewatering applications that require high tonnage mineral processing.

Test Your Material

Customers can view their material operating on a Stack Sizer at full production rate and over extended time periods.  This service is provided at the Derrick’s test facility.  Contact us for more information.

fine screening test facility

Derrick Corporation Test Facility

Derrick® Stack Sizer® Features

  • High separation efficiency achieved over an extremely small footprint
  • Available in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 deck configurations depending on capacity requirements
  • Suitable for separations in the range of 6.3mm down to 38 microns
  • Non-blinding, high-wear, urethane screen surface that typically lasts 20 to 30 times longer than stainless steel screens and will not blind with nearsize particles
  • Available with re-pulping system to further improve fines removal and to provide an even cleaner oversize
  • Large space provided between screen decks for convenient screen surface access
3 screen deck configuration for mineral processing

3 Deck Stack Sizer Unit

Case Study 1:  Processing Mineral Sands with Multiple Stack Sizers

  • A single machine processing mineral sands
  • 500 micron separation
  • Handles feed rates of 300 tons per hour
  • Achieves separation efficiencies of 90-95%
processing mineral sands with multiple stack sizers

Processing Mineral Sands

Case Study 2:  Stack Sizers in an Iron Ore Processing Plant

  • 75 micron separation
  • Handles feed rates of 130 tons per hour per unit
  • Separation efficiency in excess of 85%
wet screening and dewatering of iron ore

Screening Iron Ore

How does a Stack Sizer Work?

A single feed is introduced to the vibratory screen at 5 separate feed points.

five feed points for stack sizer wet screen

2 industrial vibration motors apply a high frequency vibrating motion to all 5 screen decks uniformly creating a linear vibrating motion.

vibrating motors located on stack sizer screening unit
The linear motion also helps to convey the screened oversized material out of the way of oncoming feed slurry, so more open screen area is available for the oncoming feed.

Each of the screen decks provides an undersize collection pan.  The undersize from each of these pans moves to a single collection hopper below. Oversize material is transported to a single oversize collection hopper.

undersize and oversize particles to hoppers below

An optional re-pulping system available.

repulping system for stack sizer screen
spray nozzles on repulping system

The Stack Sizer has been used to process the following:

  • Aluminum Dross
  • Bauxite
  • Chromium Ore
  • Coal
  • Colombium
  • Copper
  • Feldspar
  • Ferberite
  • Frac Sand
  • Garnet
  • Gypsum
  • Iron Ore
  • Kaolin
  • Lead and Zinc
  • Mineral Sands
  • Nitrates
  • Phosphates
  • Platinum
  • Potash
  • Rare Earth Minerals
  • Resin Pellets
  • Scheelite
  • Silica Sand
  • Tantulum/Niobium
  • Tin Ore
  • Titanium
  • Tungsten
  • Ore Uranium
multiple 5 deck screening installations

High Volume Wet Screening with a Small Footprint

Derrick Authorized Sales Representative

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