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Food Seasoning Equipment and Coating Machines

Coating cashews with seasoning using electrostatic technology

Electrostatics Can Provide a Dramatic Reduction in Seasoning and Tact Usage (10-45% Savings)

Applying electrostatic technology, rather than traditional scarf feeders, will provide a more evenly coated food with flavorings. This technology can apply powders, flavoring, coatings, vitamins, spices, and oils to a wide range of food, pharmaceutical, and agricultural products. We can design and implement a complete food coating system that uses vibratory feeders, screw feeders, tumbling drums / enrobers, bag filling machines, conveyors, and palletizing systems. All food coating and seasoning machines are manufactured to food grade industry standards.


  • Dramatic reduction in amount of powder necessary for coatings
  • Improved product consistency
  • High energy efficiency with less dust and a cleaner working environment
  • Quick return on investment using a reliable proven technology
Peanut Coating Machine Uses Electrostatics to Add Seasoning
Coating peanuts with seasoning using electrostatic technology
How Coating Foods Using Electrostatics Works

Our method of seasoning is unique compared to traditional methods because we disperse the seasoning into a cloud, while incorporating the electrostatics into the process. We are able to provide a very uniform application to the food over a large area because we actually fluidize a cloud of seasoning that is projected into a negatively charged ion field. This allows the particles to become negatively charged while airborne, causing them to be attracted to the food particles and towards the wall of the drum. If this were done without the electrostatic generator, it would result in some amount of the airborne seasoning drifting outside the drum; which normally occurs with traditional scarf feeders. Airborne seasoning results in a housekeeping challenge and potentially a safety hazard for the workers. This approach has proven to reduce the seasoning consumption by 10-45% over traditional methods, while providing an extremely uniform coating on the surface.electrostatic seasoning systems vs other powder coating technologies

Cashews coated with dill pickle seasoning
Cashews coated with dill pickle seasoning

Seasoning fresh corn inside a coating drum using an electrostatic wand
Seasoning fresh corn inside a coating drum using an electrostatic wand and feeder

seasoned corn using coating drum and electrostatics
Seasoned fresh corn kernels

evenly coating frozen vegetables with topical seasoning using electrostatics
Frozen vegetables lightly seasoned using electrostatics

Try before you buy! Product testing is available.

Contact us today to set up a test to see how electrostatic food coating technology can reduce your production costs and increase product consistency.

Get a Price Quote
Call: (979) 217-1480

Seasoning potato chips using an electrostatic seasoning system

How to Reduce Seasoning Loss During Snack Food Processing

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seasoning tortilla chips using electrostatics

Seasoning Tortilla Chips and Potato Chips Using Electrostatics

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cashews with dill pickle seasoning

Seasoning and Coating Nuts using Electrostatics

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Powder Coating Cereals with Flavoring Using Electrostatics

Cereal and Snack Food Coatings

Electrostatic technology flavors and coats breakfast cereals such as flakes, granola, oats, and nutty and crunchy cereals. In a similar fashion it is used to flavor snack foods such as pretzels, chips, popcorn, nuts, seeds, puffs, and cookies. The benefits of using electrostatic coatings for these types of food production processes include:

  • Up to 98% coating
  • Less powder usage
  • Less dust released into the production facility
  • Easy to change product lines
  • Ideal for a wide range liquid and powder flavorings and coatings
remove starch powder build up cheese processing line

Cubed and Shredded Cheese Coatings

Electrostatic systems are being used to almost completely remove the buildup of starch powder in cheese processing lines. At the same time this technology reduces the amount of powder in the air during the application process. This results in a 100% product coating with less waste.

The two most popular cheese coating systems are designed to atomize dry spices and create an electrostatic charge on the powder as it leaves the vibratory tray feeder, which is angled and pointing toward the cheese products that are being coated. It is typically used to add powder onto grated cheese or to add dry flavorings onto cubed cheese.

add flavoring to pet food dog food biscuits

Pet Food Seasoning

Electrostatic equipment and coating machines are also being used to evenly coat dry pet foods. The applications range from cat food, bacon, dried meats, dog treats, and pelleted feeds. As with the cereal and snack food coating processes, this results in up to 98% coating of all products with less powder usage. It is ideal for powder enhancer applications applied to biscuits, dry pellet foods, and pet chews.

Try before you buy! Product testing is available.

Contact us today to set up a test to see how electrostatic food coating technology can reduce your production costs and increase product consistency.

Get a Price Quote
Call: (979) 217-1480

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